Java BPM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Friday, February 04, 2005

BPM Reference Architecture

BPM Infrastructure

A. Data Infrastructure – data integration and data warehousing tools
• Data warehouses
• Relational Databases (RDBMS)
• OLAP/Multidimensional technology
• ETL tools
• Data quality tools
• Data modeling tools
B. Analytic infrastructure
• Reporting tools
• Analysis tools
• Integration with spreadsheets and other personal productivity tools
• Data mining tools
• Dashboards
• Real time activity monitoring
C. IT infrastructure
• Servers, storage, networks, operating systems, middleware
• Systems management software – e.g.Unicenter / OpenView / Tivoli
• Capacity planning and performance analysis software
• Availability modeling
• Event monitoring and analysis

4. Alerting and Corrective actions

Summary: Technologies that automate the reaction to issues or variances and improve the
timeliness of corrective actions.
• Applications for creating and managing alerts
• Specify and change thresholds and alert conditions
• Specify the type of alert
• Specify the delivery vehicle
• Specify the display vehicle, such as dashboards
• Dashboard applications that provide visual cues when an alert is received
• Automated self-management services that can take corrective action, such as kicking off
processes, send messages or initiate new activities in response to exceeding some
• Technologies that enable creation of new targets and/or changes to values of existing

3. Monitor & Analyze

Summary: Technologies that present individual and group performance against relevant KPIs to
users at all levels of an organization and enable users to get additional information so they can
take appropriate action.
• Applications that consolidate and combine data from multiple transactional systems,
perform data and currency conversions, eliminate inter-company transactions and allow
for journal entries for financial reporting
• Applications that enable multidimensional analysis of summarized transactional data with
the ability to compare to plans
• Technologies that enable creation of actual and planned data marts (central repository)
• Applications that present dashboards that enable building, tracking and displaying
metrics as well as allowing commentary regarding performance.
o Scorecard displays that incorporate context or acceptable ranges.
• Technologies that enable the design, creation, editing and distribution of performance
• Applications that can be used to query and report from the scorecard level to
transactional details (drill down often requires a change in context to display detail data)

2. Plan

Summary: Planning technologies allow managers in divisions and departments throughout the
organization to set goals, devise and model planning scenarios, develop programs, and define
budgets to support the business strategy. It also allows managers to build a set of goals for base
level accounts over various time periods. For example, enterprise-wide operational planning as
distinguished from strategic planning (which are included in the "Strategize" section) includes:
• Applications that enable the creation, collection, consolidation, reporting and process
management of planning data. Plans may consist of:
o Budgets (financial plans)
o Capacity plans
o Human resource plans
o Manufacturing and supply chain plans
• Applications that allow you to communicate adjustments to plans while incorporating
actual data
o Forecasting applications
o Project and Process Planning applications
• Applications that incorporate assumptions, business rules and logic to derive results from
a set of inputs.
o Process Modeling

1. Strategize

Summary: Technologies that enable executives to develop and communicate business
strategies, identify value drivers, and build metrics and thresholds to measure the performance of
the business over time.
• Applications that enable the building of metrics
o metrics builders and metric libraries
o dashboard tools & technologies
• Applications that enable strategic collaboration, communication and distribution of
performance related information
o Portal technologies.
o Collaboration technologies
• Applications that collect and maintain objectives and goals
• Applications that automate development and linkage of corporate strategy to the
underlying KPI’s
o Strategy Mappers and Scorecarding Tools

Core BPM Processes and Supporting Technologies

The core technologies support four processes of BPM applications:
1. Strategize
2. Plan
3. Monitor and analyze
4. Take corrective action
Two broad categories of technologies are included in this section:
1. Analytic infrastructure, such as data warehousing
2. Related analytic and operational applications

BPM Standard Group- Introduction

BPM is supported by a variety of technologies. There is no single technology or application that
constitutes BPM. What ties these technologies together is their use in planning organizational
goals, monitoring key performance indicators, and enabling the appropriate organizational
response to unplanned variances.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What is Java Business Process Management

What is Java Business Process Management
JBoss jBPM is a flexible, extensible workflow management system. Business processes, expressed in a simple and powerfull language and packaged in process archives, serve as input for the JBoss jBPM runtime server. JBoss jBPM bridges the gap between managers and developers by giving them a common language : the JBoss jBPM Process definition language (jPdl). This gives software project managers much more control on their software development efforts. After loading the process archive, users or systems perform single steps of the process. JBoss jBPM maintains the state, logs and performs all automated actions. JBoss jBPM combines easy development of workflow-applications with excellent enterprise application integration (EAI) capabilities. JBoss jBPM includes a web-application and a scheduler. JBoss jBPM can be used in the simplest environment like an ant task and scale up to a clustered J2EE application. For easy of evaluation, there is a download of a preconfigured JBoss application server. For more information about what JBoss jBPM is, refer to docs